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Why WJA?


Meeting new people and forming meaningful business relationships is the hallmark of the Women's Jewelry Association and its worldwide network of members.  

Event Calendar

Thursday, September 5, 2024

WJA| Jewelry Night Out 2024

Start Date: 9/5/2024 6:00 PM EDT
End Date: 9/5/2024 9:00 PM EDT

Venue Name: WJA Headquarters

330 West 38th Street
Suite 1105
New York, NY  United States  10018

Organization Name: WJA Chapter

Ariela Bonilla
Phone: (845) 473-7324

Jewelry Night Out

Join us for the Women's Jewelry Association's annual Jewelry Night Out! For one night, WJA brings together industry professionals for an inspiring evening of community, connection, collaboration, and celebration!

Members: $XX in advance | $XX at the door
Non-Members: $XX in advance | $XX at the door
To order, click on the buttons to the right.

Join or Renew online at time of ticket purchase. New and renewing members receive a 10% discount.
1. You can only join or renew for the individual who is logged in at the time of purchase.
2. You must check the checkbox at the top right of the first screen during the checkout process.
3. Use the following promo codes based on your membership type when you check out:

            SEPT24NEW - New Member
            SEPT24RENEW - Renewal

To register and join/renew memberships for groups of 2 or more, learn more about corporate or student membership, contact Ariela Bonilla, Program Associate, at 845-473-7324 or


Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 9/5/2024 9:00 PM

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