WJA offers corporate membership for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Whether you are starting a new venture, building a growing company, or represent a large corporation, we have a membership that fits your needs.
Corporate members enjoy enhanced membership benefits. Each individual can choose a chapter to be associated with. Best of all, membership belongs to the company and memberships are transferable in the event of a change on your team.
Corporate Member Packages
Small Business - $750
Up to 6 individuals
Website listing
Enhanced listing in the membership directory
Enterprise - $1995
Up to 12 members
Small Business Member Benefits plus:
Complimentary JVC Employee Handbook
Eblast listing
Corporate Partner - $4995
Up to 24 members
Enterprise Member Benefits plus:
Video content provided by your company on the WJA website
All WJA Members Receive
WJA Corporate Members
Corporate Partners
Small Business
*Corporate members as of 6/17/2024
WJA offers corporate membership for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Whether you are starting a new venture, building a growing company, or represent a large corporation, we have a membership that fits your needs.